It’s not motivation, it’s consistency.

You’ve probably seen this one before. Somewhere in the fitness culture on Instagram or TikTok, where it’s some shredded individual who got a massive pump from their workout or someone cooking a healthy meal showing off their flexed abs. (At least I see it all the time)

I’m a bit of both I think but to be frank, at the end of the day it’s consistency. I know I’ll feel bad about myself if I don’t work out (that’s not to say I beat myself up if I can’t take the time to work out, being a full-time student and working) and I’ll start to shame myself so that’s when the “habit” kicks in. Even if it’s just one thing like jump rope or squats I do it.

Thanks to the help of my apple watch (thanks mom for the Xmas gift 2 years ago) I can see my patterns and if I was good- meaning I wrote in my bullet journal- I’ll know why I wasn’t able to make the minimum 30mins I ask of myself daily. Are you getting my drift? Anyways, to the motivational part. When I browse Instagram I’m overstimulated by workouts and the entire time I’m watching these videos or pictures I’m reminding myself that “I too want to be that strong”. That is my motivation. I want to lift things that shouldn’t leave me winded, I should be able to sprint for 15seconds and not break a sweat (this might sound dumb). I want to be shredded and love the body that was given to me. For someone that was almost 300lbs I think I’ve accomplished a lot in my journey.

To those that can’t read this: red means calories burned, green is exercise, and blue is a standing goal.

And it all started like everyone else, where you wake up day after day hating the body you’re in. So I said to myself “enough” and set a goal of ‘wanting to learn the splits’. Here I am flexible as I’ve ever been, wanting to be a weight lifter specifically deadlifts, and train in boxing.

Let me put it to you this way; once I unlocked the flexibility in my hamstrings and glutes all the back pain I felt for over 9 years finally stopped. And I just knew my life was getting better.

Did you know?
Exercise helps reduce the risk of you getting sick often!

What is something you do to get your exercise in for the day?

If you’re wanting to start off somewhere pick 3-5 workouts you can easily do a day and if that’s too much aim for at least 3 times a week. Here are some of my recommendations:

  • Jumping Jacks: set an amount that you can do x3 anywhere from 8-15reps. (8-15reps 3 times)
  • Squats: It will be difficult at first and you’ll feel the burn in the quads(thighs) heavily so aim for low reps.
  • Wall push-ups: Just stand against a wall and do push-ups, follow the same guide as above.
  • Incorporate cardio: Like jump rope, jogging, or walking. Work in intervals! if you walk then incorporate some sprinting (for one minute) and then rest (walk) another 2-3 and start over. Aim for about 10min if you can but do what works best for you. The point is to just get something started for the first few weeks to start this habit!
Once you get started don’t stop!

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