How I’ve been doing it wrong all these years.

What I really mean is how I should have started my fitness journey years ago. I’ve found my second favorite passion in this world next to graphic design- fitness.

I really want to take the time to build up some content and materials for my friends, followers, and readers. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now but today a friend from my streaming times (year 2019-2020) contacted me on Instagram saying how I show fitness related content but not my own? I’m not sure what it was but that was the kick I needed to actually put it all together.

If anyone has read my blog, material, content, or followed me this long knows I have commitment issues and I like to redirect my time and resources into the items or things I’m interested “in that moment”. I live freely and change my mind spontaniously- way to often. And I always come back. I always come back either too late or just in time to my hobbies.. and sometimes that makes me sad. I love making videos and content and having an online presence but it’s not for my old reasons. It’s not about feeling alone and wanting to feel better- now as I’ve grown not only with age, mentally- but with maturity also. I can say happily I do it for the content and because it’s fun.

So back to my newly found lifestyle, fitness. All of 2020 I told myself I wanted to lose weight as I was at my heaviest weight of 280. Thanks to body dysmorphia I thought I looked like I was 170, thin and pretty and in a nice cozy blanket if denial. So I told myself I had to make a change and it was doing yoga which watching what I ate. I did yoga twice a day for about 8 months until I slowed down around the end of 2020. In February of 2021 I bought a gym membership at Planet Fitness and I haven’t looked back since. I’m at 219lb now and I’m happy with my progress (minus a month off because of medical issues and a car accident ((((: )

When it comes to food I flucuate everyday but I try to maintain my overall goal which is to have no fast food, no soda, and no extra sugar. Every now and then I will cheat but its not an everyday thing as fast food makes me sick. I eat my veggies and chicken and honestly call it a day. I will be posting more about my food/fitness journey moving forward but I wanted to touch base on how much this means to me now and how I want everyong to know the importance of fitness and feeling fucking fantasic.

Bonus though, it’s hard to have the motivation to workout everyday and I personally don’t do it/anymore as it’s not healthy in the beginning (your body needs time to recover ya know) and I like to go hard at the gym sometimes (3 hours sometimes without an actual break) and I’m out of commission for about 3-4 days from soreness. But!!!!! Please don’t give up, if you can start at one or two times a week and grow some there you have a FOUNDATION and you’ll grow to love sweating as you release that stored up fat, release your tensions, release your emotions, and be GROUNDED in your fitness routines.

If you’ve read this far here is some more information about what I’ve been up too:
– I’m a senior student @ Full Sail University Graphic Design Program
– I’m learning about cars and how they function; I want a 1986 toyota AE86 as my first build-a-car.
– I drink coffee almost everyday now and it doesn’t make me jittery (I like it with protein shakes)
– I still read, write, bullet journal (when I remember), draw, and do photogrtaphy.

I’ve ghosted my social media for a long while now because I enjoyed the freedom of not being tied down by views and likes however, I’ve changed my outlook as I’ve mentioned earlier in my post and I hope to be more active in my digital hobbies.

Thanks for reading!


Check out my social medias here! <—- personal <—- my design page <—- online store

Also check out my first t-shirt campaign on bonfire!

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